I’m a composer living in Santa Cruz, California. Last year I earned my Master’s of Music from San Jose State University studying composition with Pablo Furman. Before attending SJSU, I studied with Vivian Fung at Santa Clara University, and Fred Squatrito at Cabrillo College. In addition to producing two CDs, I have composed works for accompanied voice, choir, piano, string orchestra, and various chamber ensembles.
I am official now! I’ve received my diploma from San Jose State University- Master of Music
The American Entomologist will soon have an article about my Sonification of Webspinners. This is a five-movement piece based on the research of Dr. Edgerly-Rooks, from Santa Clara University. Thank you to the REAL Program for their support.
I am currently composing a piece for wind ensemble called Trees, a Chronicle of Becoming
2022-2023 Season
Good News: My composition for String Orchestra, Wind through the Poplar Trees, won the Allen Strange Memorial Composition Prize
San Jose Chamber Orchestra: World premiere of Wind through the Poplar Trees
April 2nd, 7:00pm at St. Francis Episcopal Church, 1205 Pine Avenue, Willow Glen, CA
NACUSA SF: Emerging Composer Competition Winner for Purgatory
Nov. 5th, 7:30pm at Lakeside Presbyterian Church in San Francisco
Nov. 6th, 3:00pm at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Belmont
2019-2020 SEASON
Santa Clara Chorale’s Artist in Residence
Santa Clara Chorale:
Saturday, March 14th, 8:00pm at the Santa Clara Mission
Fresno Philharmonic:
Fresno Art Museum, Feb. 12th.
Santa Clara Chorale:
Saturday, Dec. 13th, 8:00pm and Dec 15th, 4:00pm at the Santa Clara Mission
O Genus Attonitum: With the support of Santa Clara University’s REAL Program and Professor Lissa Crofton-Sleigh, of the Classics Department, I composed a poem in Latin based on Book XV of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. In this book, Pythagoras (Yes, the same Pythagoras of the famous math theorem!) shares his view that our souls continue in different forms, even after death.
Web Spinner HapS9F: This project was to sonify the step patterns of an insect called a “Webspinner” for the Biology Department of Santa Clara University. This project was made possible through the support of SCU’s REAL Project.
Junior Recital: The theme of this concert was the exploration of realms/states that are “In Between”. I composed six pieces: Empty World Procession; Land of Nod; Falling Slowly; In the In-Between; Zufusolo; and Fire and Ice. Some of these pieces can be heard on my music page.
Chronicles of Winter: An eleven piece cantata for various voice configurations and piano. It follows the story of “The Girl” who, after not heeding the signs of winter coming, has found herself alone in the woods, being stalked by a pack of wolves. We learn about her plight not only from her point of view, but also from the point of view of the moon, the wolves, the wood fairies, and the spirits of her ancestors. Pieces from this- When I Was Just a Little Moon, If I Lived it All Again and View of the Moon- can be heard on my music page. Fred Squatrito was my composition teacher throughout this cantata.